Having a little moment.

I find it very difficult to just sit down and be present to something. I’m sure this is a feeling that a lot of us can relate to! Society tells us to always do do do and go go go. If we do that, we can go on that vacation and THEN have the right to sit and rest. But what about the present and mundane everyday? Usually when I have 5 minutes I sneak in a load of dishes. Why relax when I can fold some laundry? Waiting in line? I’ll look at my phone and check my email! Earning rest is something that I really struggle with – I’m sure a lot of you do as well.

Today I’m at work and I’m waiting for the Second Harvest truck to bring us our food delivery. It’s later than usual and I’ve done all the stuff I have to do. So I’m sitting on the steps of the church in the sun waiting. A cat walked by that I’m familiar with… we call him SuperCat. He walked by so I stopped to pet him for a few minutes and it made me think that it was a moment I could sit and enjoy and just be.

This is something that takes a lot of practice. We are conditioned to be doing something all the time. There is nothing wrong with getting your chores done, doing your work, and being productive. But when you feel like you need to do that stuff to earn rest, or that you feel guilty when you chill, that’s when the problems begin – perfectionism, burn out, resentment, and more.

Taking that moment to hang with SuperCat was nourishing for my soul, and I long for more moments like that to just linger. Sitting with a cup of coffee, having a bath without your phone, listening to an audio book with your eyes closed, or standing in the sunshine. These are little moments, as an example, where you can practice being present. I can even do it at work… looking someone in the eye during a conversation, enjoying the scenery out the window as we drive to visit someone, or eating lunch without writing an email.

Let’s all practice the art of resting and being present, even in little moments. I think it would do us all some good to slow down.

With peace…

I am a Community Worker for The Dale Ministries. I need to fundraise my salary in order to do this work! If you’d like to partner financially with me, please visit thedale.org/donate.